It is in pdf format not a complex software.You get Life time guaranty by us! Whenever you lose the manual we will replace for free within 24 hours.Our manuals are Compatible with All Versions of Windows & Mac Most manuals sold by sellers online can only be viewed on certain computers.It Can be viewed on any laptop, computer, cell phone, ipad, tablet, any smart device.It covers each and every part of the vehicle not just engine or some basic parts.It has tons of pictures and diagrams at your fingertips.It is Official factory repair service manual for 1994 Ford Ranger You will get workshop repair service manual right away in your email after you pay.Our workshop repair service manual will cover each and every part of the vehicle from bumper to bumper.

Why to buy Digital Service Manual from us? Not just a generic repair information like most of sellers online! When the vehicle is new, it should be serviced by a factoryauthorised dealer service department, in order to preserve the factory warranty.This is Workshop Service Repair Manual for 1994 Ford Ranger and this is the exact same manual used by Technicians at the dealerships to Maintain, Service, Diagnose and Repair your vehicle. If the vehicle is driven in dusty areas, used to tow a trailer, or driven frequently at slow speeds (idling in traffic) or on short journeys, more frequent maintenance intervals are recommended. We encourage frequent maintenance, because it enhances the efficiency, performance and resale value of your vehicle. If you wish to keep your vehicle in peak condition at all times, you may wish to perform some of these procedures more often. Theseare the minimum maintenance intervals recommended by the manufacturer for vehicles driven daily. The maintenance intervals in this manual are provided with theassumption that you, not the dealer, will be carrying out the work. Ford Ranger Service and Repair Manual Ford Ranger Service and Repair Manual maintenance schedule